Sunday, July 15, 2012

Random Rant: People Who Think Swearing Makes Them More Convincing

Ok, so I just got back from Chicago and you might think that that is what I would blog about, but no. I get home and what do I see? Stupid people who are mad at something I have no clue about on facebook feel the need to swear every five words. So, on to my Random Rant.

First off, the stupid people who feel the need to talk like sailers. So, I understand that people get mad sometimes and then you just happen to let a words of complete and utter idiocy slip. I don't care if that happens. But honestly it really annoys me when some write something like this.
          Why the ^&%&* does my life have to $%&%^&** suck.
That bugs me. A lot. There are thousands of words in the english langue and the only ones you seemed to have learnd are the ones that make you seem like you're the most unintelligent person on earth. Gaaaaahhhhh!!!!!!!!!

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