Saturday, June 16, 2012

Random Rant: Books

So, I found this girl on youtube who reviews books, and posts other random things. She really cool. Anyway.................I watched her vidoes about Percy Jackson and The Inheritance Cycle, and they inspired me to rant......

(Warning: There may be spoilers)(You have been warned so don't get angry.))

First, Percy Jackson. The most amazing and attractive fictional character in the entire world (whom I've had a crush on since I started reading the books). No arguments. The only one who comes remotely close is Jace Wayland....*sigh* Yeah Percy is pretty amazing. I love how he has his priorities straight. He does the right thing, because it's the right thing. Not because he has something to gain. I love guys like that. I don't know what my literary life would be if I had not read these books. So, I will say thank you to my awesome friend, Adam, who introduced me to the books. You made my life better. :)

Next, The Inheritance Cycle. Ok, I've been waiting for this last book to come out for like four years. FOUR YEARS! The book was amazing, except for the end. The end was really dumb. I mean Eragon didn't even kiss Arya, what the heck! Four books and almost ten years and Paolini didn't even bother to let their romance continue! AAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHH! I think I was mad about that for at least a month. And as you can see I'm still mad....I'll get over it....eventually.....maybe.....NOT!

Ok, my rant is done. Thank you for enduring through my weird psychoness!

Here's a link to that girl I was telling you about. Go watch now!

1 comment:

  1. Nice rant girl! Lol, I have a blog too. Due to circumstances it got deleted so I created a new one. If you want to check it out sometime.
